Event Organisers and Supporters

St. Richards Canal Festival is jointly organised by:

The Worcester-Birmingham & Droitwich Canals Society

Wychavon District Council

Many thanks go to the many local groups and businesses that either help in its organisation or by running activities and attractions. It would not be possible to put on St. Richard’s Canal Festival without the kind support of them all.

Droitwich Town Council (www.droitwichspa.gov.uk)

Droitwich Waterways (Pamela May) Trust (www.droitwichcanals.co.uk)

Waitrose (Droitwich) www.waitrose.com

Droitwich Spa Vintage and Classic Car Rally


Supporters for the St. Richard’s Canal Festival include:

ABC Leisure Group (www.everythingcanalboats.com)

Canal & River Trust (www.canalrivertrust.org.uk)

Droitwich Advertiser (www.droitwichadvertiser.co.uk)

Droitwich Arts Network (Droitwich Spa)

Droitwich Spa High School and Sixth Form Centre (www.public.droitwichspahigh.worcs.sch.uk)

Droitwich Standard (www.bullivantmedia.com)

Fresh Nous (www.freshnous.com)

Old Swan Brewery (Ma Pardoe’s) Netherton

St. Andrews Church &  St. Augustine’s Church (www.droitwichparish.org.uk)

The Gardeners Arms (www.http://www.pubfoodhotelnatureadventureholidayscanaldroitwicheurope.co.uk)